W:It is unknown how Bendy kills them but it is known that he can and he willī: Bendy's main source of ink is the Ink Machine

W: However, the Searchers can easily die from stabbing and slashing making them not the best minions.ī: Bendy himself is also a dangerous foe, he can use ink to slow down his opponents and catch them for a killer jumpscare

He works similar to a symbiote and has many powerful abilitiesī: He can make minions called Searchers which are small ink life forms can kill average humans. W: Bendy is a spill of ink that can turn into what looks like a black and white cartoon character, he was made by Joey-Drew Studios and is currently owned by Sillyvision. W:Henry is an animator and was on the industry for several decadesī: He decided to visit the studio but to his surprise the entire studio is haunted by an ink demon named. W:But Doodlebob is weak to paper, being a drawing once he touches paper he becomes nothing more than a 2 dimensional drawing and he is not the sharpest pencil in the pencil caseī: Being a drawing, he also can get erased by the Magic Pencil, but still you don't wanna mess with this drawn nightmare!ĭoodlebob: NEHOY! NEHOY! NEHOY! NE.HOY.
Doodlebob and the magic pencil gameplay full#
So we cannot say for sure what Doodlebob's full strength isī: Doodlbob has drawn many things, from holes, bowling balls made of rocks a poorly drawn pineapple house and a giant wrench W: What does that mean? Well Spongebob's strength is inconsistent, he cannot lift a stick with marshmallows on it, but he can lift a boat with one hand. W: Doodlebob is a pretty strong combatant, he can easily lift and throw Squidwardī: He also erased many of Spongebob's belongings and body parts, and almost completely erased Spongebob.ī: As seen when Doodle and Spongebob had a tug o war with the pencil, it is shown that he is easily on par with Spongebob, W: Doodlebob is a crazy,insane and a gibberish speaking drawingī: With the Magic Pencil he is a pretty powerful foe, he can draw and erase objects at will, as seen when he drew Spongebob's house and when he erased.

(shows Squidward getting beaten up by Doodlebob) W: Spongebob and Patrick made a jellyfish, a poorly drawn Squidward, a mustache and a fake dollar,ī: Then they had an idea where they could prank Squidward,but it beat the crap out of him instead! W: This pencil fell in front of Patrick and Spongebob,ī: At 1st they were shocked by this sight but then they realized they can make drawings that come to life

W:Once there was an artist painting on a boatī: And then suddenly,he stupidly dropped his pencil and it fell into the bottom of the sea because screw logic! W: It's our job to analyze their weapons,armor and skills to find out who will win a Death Battle W: Doodlebob, Spongebob's drawn nightmare W:Art, the expression or application of human creative skill and imaginationī: In this episode, we will have 2 artworks come to life fight each other to the death! Gaming vs Cartoons, Ink vs Drawings, which cartoon that came to life will win this battle? Interlude